#development #laravel #php

We use factories a lot. Did you know about the "for[Relation]" and "has[Relation]" magic methods? You just need to make sure you have the relationship set up in your model and you are good to go 🚀

 1// You need to have User and Posts factories
 2$user = User::factory()
 3    // The User model has a hasMany "posts" relationship
 4    ->hasPosts(3)
 5    ->create();
 7$posts = Post::factory()
 8    ->count(3)
 9    // The Post model has a belongsTo "user" relationship
10    // The array is optional. Use it to override an attribute if needed
11    ->forUser([
12        'name' => 'John Doe',
13    ]])
14    ->create();
