You can use this set of guidelines, fork them or make your own - the key here is that you pick a style and stick to it. To suggest changes or fix bugs please open an issue or pull request on GitHub.

These guidelines are designed to be compatible with Joe Celko's SQL Programming Style book to make adoption for teams who have already read that book easier. This guide is a little more opinionated in some areas and in others a little more relaxed. It is certainly more succinct where Celko's book contains anecdotes and reasoning behind each rule as thoughtful prose.

It is easy to include this guide in Markdown format as a part of a project's code base or reference it here for anyone on the project to freely readβ€”much harder with a physical book.

SQL style guide by Simon Holywell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at [][sqlstyleguide].

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