Sometimes, you want to apply specific styles to a component only if it has an event listener attached. For example, you might want to add a cursor: pointer style to a component only if it has a click event listener attached.

In Vue 3, you can check the props on the current component instance for that purpose:

The child component can look like this:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { computed, ref, getCurrentInstance } from 'vue';

defineEmits(['click', 'custom-event']);

const hasClickEventListener = computed(
  () => !!getCurrentInstance()?.vnode.props?.onClick
const hasCustomEventListener = computed(
  () => !!getCurrentInstance()?.vnode.props?.['onCustomEvent']

The parent component can look like this:

<script setup lang="ts">
import Child from './components/Child.vue';

const onClick = () => console.log('Click');
const onCustomEvent = () => console.log('Custom event');

  <Child />
  <Child @click="onClick" @custom-event="onCustomEvent" />
