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The docs for the Black Python code formatter say that the formatter "is not configurable". This is largely true, but if you have Black set up > to work in VSCode, you can configure the line length.
In VSCode, go 'Code -> Preferences -> Settings' and search for "python formatting black args".
Add two separate arguments, in this order:
, where "n" is your desired number of allowed characters per line.A few notes about line lengths in Python:
- PEP8 recommends a line length of [79 characters]https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#maximum-line-length (72 for docstrings)
- Black sets line lengths to 88 characters by default
- The Django docs recommend a maximum line length of 119 characters (79 for docstrings)
If you are working on a shared project with a team, consider bypassing the VSCode settings entirely, and setting line lengths via the project's
:[tool.black] line-length = 119
Note to self, if you want to add it to the VS Code workspace settings, add this:
{ "[python]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "ms-python.black-formatter" }, "black-formatter.args": ["--line-length", "119"] }
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